
How to Help Your Air Conditioner Work Better

helpful-tips-for-acYour air conditioner is one of your home’s most important and valued systems during the warm weather months. In many cases, it is a necessity despite high energy costs and a desire to conserve. With that in mind, here a few simple things you can do to help your air conditioner be most effective and efficient all summer long.

Schedule an air conditioner check-up

Having your HVAC professional do a routine spring air conditioner check is one of the best ways to ensure that your system will be up and running smoothly when you need it. (Find out all the benefits of an annual A/C check-up here.)

Change your home’s air filter

Changing the air filter is inexpensive and takes just a few minutes — yet doing so provides huge benefits. Dirty filters block airflow and make your air conditioner work harder. This means your home will not be as cool, your air will not be as clean and allergen-free, and your utility bills may be higher than necessary.

Seal your home’s ducts

If you have high summer utility bills and your home is still not cool enough, your ducts could be the problem. Leaky ducts make your air conditioner less efficient as cool air escapes and doesn’t reach your living space. According to ENERGY STAR, ducts in poor condition account for 20-30% of air loss. Seal leaks, holes and faulty connections to maximize your air conditioner’s efficiency.

Open your vents and keep them clear

Keeping vents open and clear allows for maximum unrestricted airflow and actually makes your system more efficient.

Keep your bedroom doors open

Similarly, open doors keep rooms cooler because they allow the air conditioner to work more efficiently.

Consult your HVAC professional

Your HVAC professional has lots of information, resources and support to offer. If you find your air conditioner is not working as well as it should he/she can troubleshoot the problem. Often there are simple, inexpensive solutions, so don’t put off maintenance or repairs, as this can potentially lead to higher costs or shortening the life of your air conditioner.

Have more questions? We’re here to give you expert advice and service. Call IAQ today!