
Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Heater

Signs Its Time to Replace Your Water Heater

What would you do without your water heater? It’s an essential part of your everyday life and enables you and your family to enjoy hot showers, wash the dishes and clean your clothes. Most new water heaters last anywhere from ten to twenty years or even longer. Like all good things, though, water heaters do wear out eventually. Never run out of hot water and protect your family when you’re aware of several warning signs that indicate this essential appliance is dying.

Drop in Efficiency

Like all aging appliances, your water heater will grow less efficient over time. These changes could be gradual, and they’ll include an increase in the time you wait for hot water, fluctuations between hot and cold water and a decreased amount of available hot water. Keep an eye on your energy usage and bill, too, because an inefficient water heater will increase your home’s energy usage and costs. If you notice any of these signs, start shopping for a new water heater as soon as possible.

Rust and Leak Evidence

Some signs of an aging water heater are found during regular visual inspections. Look for rust spots anywhere on the appliance, including underneath and behind it. You’ll also want to note any evidence of current or past water pools underneath the appliance. These signs of wear indicate that a replacement is necessary.

Take Signs of Aging Seriously

You might be thinking that an aging water heater is no big deal because a few cold showers or a high energy bill is no big deal. However, a malfunctioning water heater could scald you or your family members as you shower, wash dishes or bath your pet. It can also release deadly carbon monoxide fumes or flood. Take the signs of aging seriously as you protect your family.

At Indoor Air Quality, we specialize in repairing or replacing water heaters. Contact us as soon as you notice any of the warning signs that your water heater is on its last leg. Doing so can keep your family safe and ensures you enjoy access to hot water any time you need it.