
Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking?

Why is My Air Conditioner Leaking?

Have you ever noticed water coming from your outdoor air conditioning unit? Some homeowners might shrug it off, while others might immediately call a professional. While it can be normal to have water running from your drain during AC operation, the problem of “leaking” often warrants a service call.

How much water should your air conditioner be releasing?

Normal water leakage is usually the result of condensation gathering at the base of your air conditioning unit. It’s particularly common in hot, humid locations.

How can you tell when your air conditioner is leaking too much water?

Since “normal” leaking is the result of condensation, you should only notice water at the base of your air conditioning unit while it is running. If you notice that water has been gathering for more than 12 hours, then there may be an issue. When in doubt, is always best to call a professional.

What are some reasons your air conditioner may be leaking?

There are several reasons you might find water pooling underneath your air conditioning unit.

1. Clogged Drain Line

A blocked pipe prevents the air conditioner’s water from going down the drain, resulting in an overflow. Exterior leakage almost always points to an interior problem.

2. Faulty Installation

Like every system and appliance, air conditioners have a lifespan and will eventually begin to deteriorate. However, if your air conditioning unit is fairly new and is already leaking, it is likely the wrong size or was not installed correctly.

3. Dirty Air Filter

It is extremely important that your air conditioner’s air filter is changed on a regular basis. A dirty or clogged air filter can cause the unit’s evaporator coils to freeze, resulting in an overflowing drainage pan.

4. Low Refrigerant Level

A too-low refrigerant level causes a decrease in unit pressure. Lower pressure often results in frozen coils, which, as already mentioned, can cause an overflow in the drainage pan.

5. Faulty Condensate Pan

Within your AC unit, there is a pan with the purpose of catching and holding water. Over time, the condensate pan can corrode or wear down. When this happens, your air conditioner begins to leak.

6. Cooler Outdoor Temperatures

If you run your air conditioning when it’s already cool outside (60 degrees or below), the coils might freeze.

The majority of these issues will not happen if you have your HVAC system routinely inspected and tuned up. Proper maintenance is key to avoiding long-term, expensive issues with your air conditioner.

If you have any further questions, or if you would like to have your air conditioner inspected, contact Indoor Air Quality today. We serve homeowners in Highlands Ranch and throughout the Denver Metro Area. Our highest priority is the comfort of your home.