
What are the Best Air Conditioning Options for Homes with Boiler Heat?

best-ac-options-homes-with-boiler-heatHomes that use a boiler for heating do have options for air conditioning. Even without the ductwork already in place for central air, options such as ductless mini-split systems are available. Here we review the options for keeping your home cool in the heat of summer.

Window units

A seasonal window unit is an old school solution that can be affordable, but does have drawbacks. While it works well for one or two rooms, chances are it is not practical for cooling your entire home. Window air conditioners are not as energy efficient as other options. They can be noisy and, because they are so visible, they detract from the look of your home. By design, this type of unit blocks the window it is installed in, and makes that window inoperable. The inconvenience of having to install and uninstall a heavy, awkward piece of equipment each cooling season and store it for the winter months is another consideration.

Ductless mini-split systems

Ductless mini-splits are a smart option for homes lacking ductwork. They provide the convenience of central air, with minimal disruption to the home. Mini-splits consist of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit connected through a small hole in the wall. As the name implies, no ducts are needed.

The indoor units are small and can be unobtrusively mounted on a wall or in a ceiling. Operation is extremely quiet and energy efficient. Multiple systems can be installed to create zoning, so you are only paying for air conditioning your home when and where it is needed. Ductless mini-splits contribute to good indoor air quality and can be configured for both cooling and heating.

Ducted AC systems

You may think that this is not an option, but a ducted system can be added to almost any home. Typically, ducts are installed in the attic and registers are cut into the ceiling of the home. Adding air conditioning in this way to the upper level of the home can keep the entire house comfortable — even a 2-story home.

For some homes, a hybrid approach using several strategies might work best.

Contact Indoor Air Quality today to learn more about the best air conditioning options for homes with boiler heat and to schedule a free in-home estimate.