
How to Save Money on Your Air Conditioning Bill

save-money-on-acSmall actions can add up to big savings when it comes to your air conditioning bill. Whether you have a newer energy-efficient model, or one that is a few years old, you can take some simple steps to maximize your savings and keep your air conditioner running smoothly.

Keep blinds and curtains closed when possible.

Sunshine can heat up a room fast and make your air conditioner work harder.

Adjust your thermostat.

Turn the thermostat up when you leave the house and back down when you return. Installing a programmable thermostat does this for you automatically, so your house is comfortable when you’re home but not wasting energy when you are at work or away.

Change your air conditioner filter monthly.

This is a simple step that is easily overlooked but can have a huge impact on your air conditioner’s performance. Choose a day you’ll remember (like the first of the month) to change the filter. This will help keep your unit running efficiently, improve its performance, and cut down on maintenance issues.

Most importantly, schedule regular maintenance.

Have your air conditioner checked twice a year by a certified professional HVAC technician. Regular maintenance can help you avoid many costly problems down the road. A well-trained technician can recognize trouble spots that you may never see, and catch small problems before they turn into big ones.

Your air conditioner is a complex system that runs 24/7. Even the most efficient system will gather dust and create deposits than can interfere with its operation. Your technician will clean the coils and check the motor, the blower, the drain system and the fluid/gas pressure. Addressing dirt and wear before they become excessive is simpler and less expensive to correct. If you wait for something to stop working completely, such as a burned-out motor, you could incur a repair bill of several thousand dollars.

In addition, regular maintenance ensures that your air conditioner is running efficiently – saving you energy costs and keeping you comfortable. When you look at the big picture, twice-yearly maintenance is a much better investment than paying for an otherwise avoidable repair.

For more tips on managing your home heating and cooling system, or to schedule your spring or summer maintenance, contact IAQ today!