
How to Save Money by Using System Zoning

How to Save Money by Using System ZoningSince the advent of central heating and air conditioning systems, users have been in a constant struggle with regards to maintaining an ideal temperature in their home. Everyone is familiar with getting the temperature during the warm summer months of the year just right in one area of the house, only to find that the remaining rooms are far too hot at the same time. Likewise, there’s nothing worse than getting your living room to that ideal temperature on a cold winter night only to find that your bedroom is mysteriously 10 degrees cooler. Striking a balance has always been difficult, especially using the rudimentary technology that was previously deployed throughout the industry. Luckily for consumers everywhere, zoning systems offer not only the ability to comfortably heat and cool all areas of your home to perfection, but it also allows you to save a great deal of money while you do it.

When you begin the zoning systems process, we’ll design a system that makes the most sense based on the areas of your home that you frequently use. Typically we’ll separate a home into a living area zone and a bedroom zone, or we can simply zone each level of the home separately for multi-level homes.

When you install a zoning system into your home, the thermostats that you use to control the temperature aren’t just controlling the air conditioner during the summer. They’re also controlling dampers that are installed in your air ducts. If you have determined that one area of the home needs critical attention during the summer and another area doesn’t, the dampers will funnel cool air into the needed space while essentially leaving other areas alone. Because air is only going where it’s needed and not to the entire house, the system isn’t working as hard to get the home to your ideal temperature. If the system isn’t working as hard as it was in the past, you’re saving a significant amount of money while keeping your home more comfortable.

If you are interested in learning more about system zoning, contact Indoor Air Quality, Inc., your Denver area indoor air quality experts, for help.