
11 Ways to Lower Heating Costs

11 Ways to Lower Heating Costs

With winter just around the corner, Denver area home owners are on the lookout for ways they can lower their heating bills. Our winters can be long and cold, so taking these precautions will help you weather them without tremendously large heating bills.

1. Seal the house

Seal windows, doors and other leaky areas to prevent heat loss.

2. Turn down the thermostat

A change of just one degree can save around three percent on your heating bill.

3. Be cautious with fans

Running the bathroom fan for one hour can remove all of the heat from your home, and the furnace will have to work hard to overcome this.

4. Close the damper

Do you have a fireplace? Close the damper when you aren’t using it.

5. Clear away vents

Items covering vents will keep your furnace from running efficiently.

6. Use curtains wisely

If you have a south-facing window, open up those curtains in the daytime to let the sun warm the home, then close all curtains at night to keep the warmth inside.

7. Use the fireplace sparingly

A warm fire is comforting on a cold Colorado night, but fires actually pull heat from the room, so use them sparingly, and close other rooms in the home when you do.

8. Improve hot water efficiency

Low-flow shower heads and other measures that improve water efficiency in your home will lower your heating costs by heating less water.

9. Add insulation

Adding a layer of insulation in your attic will help cut costs.

10. Maintain your furnace and furnace filter

Have your furnace inspected at the beginning of the season by a qualified HVAC professional to ensure it is working efficiently and has a clean air filter.

11. Replace your filter regularly

Replace your filter regularly (every 30-60 days) to keep your system running efficiently.

If you have further questions about how to maximize the efficiency of your HVAC system, IAQ would be glad to help. Contact IAQ today to schedule maintenance for your furnace before the rush at the beginning of the season.