
7 Reasons You Are Not Getting Enough Hot Water

7 Reasons You Are Not Getting Enough Hot Water

A faulty water heater is no fun, especially when it malfunctions in the middle of a shower. Ignoring the problem only allows your water heater to deteriorate further, so it is important that you understand why you aren’t getting enough hot water.

Signs That There’s a Problem With Your Water Heater

If your water heater has worsened gradually, you may not even be aware that there is a problem. Chances are high that your water heater needs a repair if you notice any of the following signs.

  • Dirty Water
  • Uneven Temperature Distribution
  • Limited Hot Water Supply
  • No Hot Water Supply At All

Why Aren’t You Getting Enough Hot Water?

Knowing the signs is one thing. However, you must also understand the source of each problem. The above signs are often the outward results of these inward issues.

1. Incorrectly-Sized Heater

Often, a water heater cannot keep up with a home simply because the tank is too small. If you own a large home or there are a lot of occupants in your home, it may simply be that the hot water demand is too high. Make sure that the number of galloons your heater produces is proportionate to the number of people living in the home.

2. Too Much Demand

Washers, dishwashers, toilets, sinks, and showers running at the same time force the water heater to “work overtime,” meaning that it has to spread the hot water around. Try to only run one thing at a time so as not to overwork your water heater.

3. Old Tank

Like any other appliance, your water heater eventually runs out of steam (literally!) and needs to be replaced. Generally speaking, a water heater lasts about 10 years before a replacement should be seriously considered.

4. Rusty Tank

A rusty water tank is most often the cause of dirty or rusty looking water. Over time, corrosion can rust the metal tank, weakening it and causing lukewarm water to flow. A rusty tank usually needs to be replaced.

5. Broken Dip Tube

The dip tube is responsible for carrying cold water to the heater, where it is heated and then transported through a hot water outlet. If the dip tube is broken, then it could be that not enough cold water is reaching the heater.

6. Sediment in Tank

Over time, minerals from the tap water can accumulate in your water tank, causing a sediment buildup that prevents water from thoroughly heating. Often, a professional can remove the sediment from your tank, but if your heater’s lifespan is almost up, a replacement might be a better choice.

7. Faulty Thermostat

Just like your HVAC system’s thermostat, your water tank’s thermostat signals the heater how hot to go. If your thermostat is not set to the correct temperature or the thermostat is broken, your water will not heat up all the way.

How Can We Help You?

Indoor Air Quality Inc. is dedicated to providing homeowners with quality HVAC systems and water heaters. If you have further questions about water heater repairs or replacements, contact Indoor Air Quality today. We serve homeowners in Highlands Ranch and throughout the Denver Metro Area. Our highest priority is the comfort of your home.