
How Can I Tell How Efficient a Furnace is?

How Can I Tell How Efficient a Furnace is?

Energy efficiency is a big concern for today’s homeowners, so wanting to know how efficient your furnace is makes sense. The furnace is one of the most energy-consuming appliances in a home. Ensuring that your furnace is operating efficiently, meaning it converts fuel into heat with as little waste as possible, is an important factor in controlling energy use and cost. One easy way to do that is to change the air filter every 30 to 60 days. Another way is schedule professional maintenance each fall. But, how do you know how efficient your furnace is? Check the AFUE rating.

A simple way to check the efficiency rating of any furnace is to look at its Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. This is helpful to assess the efficiency of your current furnace, and also to compare new furnaces. This number, which is found on the cabinet or in the user manual, represents the percentage of fuel (natural gas, electricity or propane) that is converted into heating power rather than being wasted. An AFUE rating of 80% indicates that 80% of the fuel used is turned into heat.

Other Factors that Affect Furnace Efficiency

A furnace’s efficiency rating is only a starting point. Several other factors affect performance.


One or more components that are not working correctly will negatively impact efficiency.

A clogged air filter.

The air filter keeps dust, dirt and debris out of the system. Allowing the filter to get clogged prevents adequate air flow and can hamper and eventually damage the furnace.

Incorrect size. 

A furnace that is too large or too small for the home will have to work harder to maintain the proper temperature, using more energy.

Dirty ductwork. 

Dirt in the duct work also impedes the furnace’s ability to deliver heat to the rooms of a home, requiring it to work harder and use more energy.

Lack of maintenance.

Proper professional maintenance once a year helps keep your furnace operating at peak efficiency. Each year without a maintenance appointment by a licensed technician, a furnace loses 5% of its efficiencyon average. That increase in energy costs adds up quickly.

One of the best ways to ensure that your furnace stays as energy efficient as possible is to schedule routine maintenance. Call Indoor Air Quality to schedule your fall maintenance appointment today! IAQ serves Highlands Ranch and the Denver Metro Area.