Colorado winters can be brutal, and if the furnace in your Denver area home doesn’t seem to be keeping up, you need to find out why. If your furnace is not producing enough heat, you have several potential causes. Finding the cause will help your family stay comfortable throughout the winter.
One of the easiest ways to fix the problem when your furnace is not producing enough heat is to check the thermostat. If the thermostat is set at a comfortable level, but the heater doesn’t appear to be kicking in, you might have a faulty thermostat.
Have you replaced your air filter recently? If not, that could easily be the culprit. A full filter will inhibit air flow and prevent the furnace from running efficiently. Proper annual maintenance, including regular replacement of your furnace filter, will prevent this problem.
If your furnace appears to be functioning properly, but you’re still feeling cold, it may be an insulation issue. Improperly installed or inadequate insulation or drafty windows makes all of your furnace’s hard work flow, sometimes literally, out the window. Have a qualified technician assess the insulation level in your home to ensure that insulation or drafts are not the causes of your problem.
If all of the simple fixes are not solving the problem, you may have an improperly sized unit for the size of your home. If this is the case, your furnace is going to work incredibly hard to try to keep up with the temperature demands of your home. In addition to leaving your home without sufficient heat, this problem will lead to the eventual break down of the system. If your unit is not sized properly, it is going to need to be replaced with one that is.
Most of these problems will be spotted if you are consistent with routine annual maintenance. When you have an HVAC technician come to your Denver home to inspect your furnace each year, you will know if there are problems with the filter, thermostat or insulation. Your HVAC specialist will also check the size of your unit.